Lit from Behind: Capturing the White Haired Lady from a View from the Back

Lit from Behind: Capturing the White Haired Lady from a View from the Back

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Viewing someone from the back can evoke a range of emotions, a timelessness that speaks to our memories and a warmth that triggers empathy. We explore this concept with the white haired lady, a 38 year old blonde goddess, captured in a long shot from behind as she ages from 3 to 32 years old. The life-long journey is recorded through a range of ages and angles, from a middle shot taken from the side at age 6 to a lit from the side view at 32. These simply composed views of the back evoke a sense of mystery, attachment and nostalgia, ultimately propelling us to experience her story with fresh senses. This concept illustrates the power of imagery in storytelling and imparts a lesson on the beauty of life experienced from a distant view of the unknown.