Wrinkles and Muscles: A Look at the Aging Process of a 70-Year-Old Woman

Wrinkles and Muscles: A Look at the Aging Process of a 70-Year-Old Woman

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At 70 years old, an old lady with a faint red skin, covered in pink flesh, can still be a sight to behold. Yes, wrinkles may dominate her face but don’t judge a book by its cover. Take a closer look, and underneath those wrinkles lies muscles - the powerful determinant of how an old lady or man ages. Throughout the years, these muscles play a crucial role in their body's posture and physical capabilities. One particular old lady has gone through an amazing journey of aging gracefully. Upon entrance to her seventh decade, her skin was soft, pink, and wrinkle-free. As time passed, moisturizing and taking good care of her skin, wrinkles and deep-set lines added years to her face. Her surprise (or dismay!) was sudden, but she was taking every day and step with poise and determination.